No: 98, 22 March 2022, Press Release Regarding the “Strategic Compass” Document Approved by the EU

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 22.03.2022

We learned that the EU’s Strategic Compass was approved at the Foreign Affairs Council yesterday (21 March).

Notably the chapter in the document on the Eastern Mediterranean where our country is referred to seems to have been dictated by the two members of the EU who have maximalist maritime boundary claims at the expense and persistent denial of the rights of Türkiye and the Turkish Cypriots. This chapter fully contradicts international law, practice and even the EU’s own acquis; as such it is disconnected from reality. As the document fails to show the right direction, it cannot function as a “compass” nor can it be dubbed “strategic”. This document will undoubtedly make the EU part of the problem rather than the solution in the Eastern Mediterranean and not steer the Union to the correct strategies.

Taking into account the latest developments, it is unfortunate and non-visionary for the EU that the document misses the truth and reality and sees a candidate country and a NATO Ally from such a shallow perspective.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:30 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00

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