No: 38, 1 February 2022, Press Release Regarding the One-Year Anniversary of the Military Coup in Myanmar

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 01.02.2022

We are concerned that the situation in Myanmar maintains its gravity on the anniversary of the coup d'état that took place on 1 February 2021.

We underline once again that Türkiye is against any kind of coups d’état and military interventions as a matter of principle.

As we pointed out previously on various occasions, we call for the necessary steps to be taken for the restoration of democracy without delay to ensure peace and stability in the country as well as for the cessation of violence against the civilian population.

In that regard, we reiterate our expectation that the conditions of the Rohingya Muslims living in Myanmar under dire circumstances be improved and the efforts be continued for a sustainable solution to the Rohingya crisis.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:30 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00

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