No: 420, 15 December 2021, Press Release Regarding the Trial of Contracted Staff Member of our Consulate General in Rhodes Due to So-called Espionage

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 15.12.2021

We condemn the five-year heavy imprisonment sentence announced today by the Mixed Jury Court of the Dodecanese Islands in Rhodes after a three-day trial that began on 13 December 2021, given to the Contracted Consulate Staff Member of the Turkish Consulate General in Rhodes on so-called espionage.

Following the arrest of our Consulate Staff Member on 18 December 2020, baseless news and comments were published in Greek press, aiming at pressuring the public opinion and justice.

During the three-day hearing in Rhodes, all the principles of law, including international law and private international law, were breached. Even the right to defense was violated due to the procedural violations of the court. The prosecutor and the panel of judges acted with prejudice.

The publication of the verdict in the Greek press before it was announced by the court itself once again proved the irregularities in the judicial process.

All necessary steps in the Greek domestic law and international law will continue to be taken with a view to protecting the rights of our staff.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:30 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00

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