关于签证程序及所需资料的重要通知 - Important Notıce Regardıng Informatıon On Vısa Procedures & Requıred Documents

Şanhay Başkonsolosluğu 15.05.2013

关于签证程序及所需资料的重要通知 - Important Notice Regarding Information On Visa Procedures & Required Documents , 15.05.2013



On the pre-condition that they meet certain conditions, ordinary Chinese passport holders may apply for, pay for and print their electronic visas (e-Visas) online, without coming to the Consulate General at all, starting as of 15 May 2013.



Please visit the following link to learn if you are eligible to obtain an electronic visa:http://www.sanghay.bk.mfa.gov.tr/ShowInfoNotes.aspx?ID=159803



If you are not eligible for e-Visa, then you have to submit a visa application before departing for Turkey. You may find our visa procedures and the lists of required documents for different visa types also in the following link:  http://www.sanghay.bk.mfa.gov.tr/ShowInfoNotes.aspx?ID=159803



All the information provided is both in English and Chinese languages.


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